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TUESDAY, 20 DECEMBER 2011 - DENMAS PRIYADI BLOG : If we hear the word angklung course we will immediately thought of one type of musical instrument. Hence the word angklung is already very well known by the Indonesian people, especially people of West Java. Yes, angklung is one type of musical instrument native to the area west of Java in recent years the existence of the angklung music has been increasingly recognized not only nationally and even internationally.
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DAENG SUTIGNA 1908 - 1984 |
Angklung music instrument made of bamboo are the type of tree that is very much thriving in Indonesia, especially in the are of West Java. From the material is then made of bamboo angklung instruments structured with certain tones that it becomes a musical instrument angklung that if played well will issue the strains of beautiful tunes. At first angklung music using the pentatonic scales, scales commonly used in folk music generally. However, according to the presence of a growing angklung music, angklung instruments using western diatonic tones. Figure figure who spearheaded the change to the pentatonic scales of diatonic scales is a figure of traditional music that originated from Garut, Daeng Sutigna in 1928. First concert angklung music using diatonic scales played by members of the scout group in Linggarjati 1947.
This type of musical instrument angklung consists of:
1. Angklung melodies that are subdivided into:
a. Angklung consisting of small melodic tone g to c'''(c stripe 3), and
b. Angklung great melody with tone G to fis.
2. Accompaniment angklung 12 units consisting of:
a. 8 pieces septin dominant chord (Best7, F7, C7, D7, A7, E7, and B7). Each angklung consists four tubes.
b. 4 pieces minor chord (Dm, Em, Am, and Bm).
3. Angklung Bas (contra bass).
4. Angklung contra accompagnement, the same shape as the angklung accompaniment,
But the tone oktafnya higher.
In order angklung music we enjoy and we feel its beauty then it should be played by several players. The number of players is very dependent on the type of unit used angklung. There are three different types of units which angklung, a small unit, medium, and large.
1. One small unit angklung consists of:
a. Two sets of angklung small melodies, from tone to tone a g''(a stripe two) with 27 tones.
b. A set of angklung great melodies, from tone to tone C fis.
c. A set of angklung accompaniment there are 8 pieces consist of:
- Major: C7, D7, F7, G7, and Bes7.
- Minor: Am, Dm, and Em.
2. One unit of angklung is made up of:
a. Two sets of small melodic angklung consists of 1 to 27 pieces
b. A set of angklung great melody consists of tones G up a tone of fis.
c. A set of 13 pieces of angklung accompaniment consists of:
- Major: C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, A7, Bes7, and B7.
- Minor: Am, Dm, Em, Gm, and Bm.
3. One unit of angklung consists of:
a. Two sets of angklung little melody as much as 1 to 27 pieces.
b. A set of angklung tone melody of tone G to fis.
c. A set of angklung accompaniment consists of 24 pieces:
- Major: C7, Cis7, D7, and Dis7 as many as 12 pieces.
- Minor: Cm, CISM, and Dm as many as 12 pieces.
How to play angklung musical instrument?
How to play it is by shaking the angklung, left hand holding the center of the angklung bamboo slats and bottom right hand shaking the angklung. Clearly the left hand holding the angklung in which a small tube leading to the next kiridan large tube leading to the right. The right hand holds the bottom of the angklung, in part this is a shake or vibrate in accordance with note values that exist in the song being played.
This type of musical instrument angklung consists of:
1. Angklung melodies that are subdivided into:
a. Angklung consisting of small melodic tone g to c'''(c stripe 3), and
b. Angklung great melody with tone G to fis.
2. Accompaniment angklung 12 units consisting of:
a. 8 pieces septin dominant chord (Best7, F7, C7, D7, A7, E7, and B7). Each angklung consists four tubes.
b. 4 pieces minor chord (Dm, Em, Am, and Bm).
3. Angklung Bas (contra bass).
4. Angklung contra accompagnement, the same shape as the angklung accompaniment,
But the tone oktafnya higher.
In order angklung music we enjoy and we feel its beauty then it should be played by several players. The number of players is very dependent on the type of unit used angklung. There are three different types of units which angklung, a small unit, medium, and large.
1. One small unit angklung consists of:
a. Two sets of angklung small melodies, from tone to tone a g''(a stripe two) with 27 tones.
b. A set of angklung great melodies, from tone to tone C fis.
c. A set of angklung accompaniment there are 8 pieces consist of:
- Major: C7, D7, F7, G7, and Bes7.
- Minor: Am, Dm, and Em.
2. One unit of angklung is made up of:
a. Two sets of small melodic angklung consists of 1 to 27 pieces
b. A set of angklung great melody consists of tones G up a tone of fis.
c. A set of 13 pieces of angklung accompaniment consists of:
- Major: C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, A7, Bes7, and B7.
- Minor: Am, Dm, Em, Gm, and Bm.
3. One unit of angklung consists of:
a. Two sets of angklung little melody as much as 1 to 27 pieces.
b. A set of angklung tone melody of tone G to fis.
c. A set of angklung accompaniment consists of 24 pieces:
- Major: C7, Cis7, D7, and Dis7 as many as 12 pieces.
- Minor: Cm, CISM, and Dm as many as 12 pieces.
How to play angklung musical instrument?
How to play it is by shaking the angklung, left hand holding the center of the angklung bamboo slats and bottom right hand shaking the angklung. Clearly the left hand holding the angklung in which a small tube leading to the next kiridan large tube leading to the right. The right hand holds the bottom of the angklung, in part this is a shake or vibrate in accordance with note values that exist in the song being played.
MUSIK ANGKLUNG by Slamet Priyadi
TUESDAY, 20 DESEMBER 2011 – DENMAS PRIYADI BLOG : Jika kita mendengar kata angklung tentu kita akan langsung teringat pada salah satu jenis alat musik. Oleh karena kata angklung ini sudah sangat dikenal oleh masyarakat Indonesia, terutama masyarakat Jawa Barat. Ya, angklung memang salah satu jenis alat musik asli daerah Jawa barat yang akhir-akhir ini keberadaan musik angklung sudah semakin dikenal bukan saja secara nasional bahkan internasional.
Instrumen musik angklung terbuat dari bahan bambu yaitu jenis pohon yang memang sangat banyak tumbuh subur di Indonesia terutama di daerah Jawa barat. Dari bahan bambu inilah kemudian dibuat alat musik angklung yang disusun sedemikian rupa dengan nada-nada tertentu sehingga menjadi alat musik angklung yang jika dimainkan dengan baik akan mengeluarkan alunan nada-nada yang indah. Pada awalnya musik angklung menggunakan tangga nada pentatonis yaitu tangga nada yang biasa dipakai pada musik daerah umumnya. Akan tetapi sesuai dengan keberadaan musik angklung yang semakin berkembang, alat musik angklung menggunakan nada-nada diatonis barat. Sosok tokoh yang mempelopori perubahan tangga nada dari pentatonis ke tangga nada diatonis adalah seorang tokoh musik tradisional yang berasal dari Garut, Daeng Sutigna pada tahun 1928. Konser pertama kali musik angklung dengan menggunakan tangga nada diatonis dimainkan oleh anggota kelompok pramuka di Linggarjati tahun 1947.
Jenis intrumen musik angklung terdiri atas :
1. Angklung melodi yang dibagi lagi ke dalam :
a. Angklung melodi kecil yang terdiri dari nada g sampai c’’’ ( c setrip 3 ), dan
b. Angklung melodi besar dengan nada G sampai fis.
2. Angklung pengiring sebanyak 12 buah yang terdiri atas :
a. 8 buah paduan nada dominan septin ( Best7, F7, C7, D7, A7, E7, dan B7 ). Setiap angklung terdiri 4 tabung.
b. 4 buah paduan nada minor ( Dm, Em, Am, dan Bm ).
3. Angklung Bas ( contra bas ).
4. Angklung contra accompagnement, bentuknya sama seperti angklung pengiring,
Akan tetapi nada oktafnya lebih tinggi.
Agar musik angklung dapat kita nikmati dan kita rasakan keindahannya maka harus dimainkan oleh sejumlah pemain. Adapun jumlah pemain sangat bergantung pada jenis unit angklung yang digunakan. Ada tiga macam jenis unit angklung yaitu, unit kecil, sedang, dan besar.
1. Satu unit kecil angklung terdiri dari :
a. Dua set angklung melodi kecil, dari nada g sampai dengan nada a’’ ( a setrip
dua ) dengan 27 nada.
b. Satu set angklung melodi besar, dari nada C sampai dengan nada fis.
c. Satu set angklung pengiring ada 8 buah terdiri dari :
- Mayor : C7, D7, F7, G7, dan Bes7.
- Minor : Am, Dm, dan Em.
2. Satu unit angklung sedang terdiri dari :
a. Dua set angklung melodi kecil terdiri dari 1 sampai dengan 27 buah
b. Satu set angklung melodi besar terdiri dari nada G sampai dengan nada fis.
c. Satu set angklung pengiring sebanyak 13 buah terdiri dari :
- Mayor : C7, D7, E7, F7, G7, A7, Bes7, dan B7.
- Minor : Am, Dm, Em, Gm, dan Bm.
3. Satu unit angklung besar terdiri dari :
a. Dua set angklung melodi kecil sebanyak 1 sampai dengan 27 buah.
b. Satu set angklung melodi besar dari nada G sampai dengan nada fis.
c. Satu set angklung pengiring sebanyak 24 buah terdiri :
- Mayor : C7, Cis7, D7, dan Dis7 sebanyak 12 buah.
- Minor : Cm, Cism, dan Dm sebanyak 12 buah.
Bagaimana cara memainkan instrumen musik angklung?
Cara memainkannya adalah dengan menggoyangkan angklung, tangan kiri memegang bagian tengah bilah bambu angklung dan tangan kanan menggoyangkan bagian bawah angklung. Jelasnya tangan sebelah kiri memegang angklung di mana tabung kecil mengarah ke sebelah kiridan tabung besar mengarah ke sebelah kanan. Tangan kanan memegang bagian bawah angklung, pada bagian inilah yang digoyang-goyangkan atau digetarkan sesuai dengan nilai not yang ada dalam lagu yang dimainkan.
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